diabetes blog week: day 3 (with puddles pity party)

what do you want to get off your chest? if given the opportunity, would you set free the bits that weigh on you? what if you let a secret slip your lips but felt no liberation? if your admission didn’t invite commentary, would you share then? today’s clean it out topic was a bit unnerving […]

i’ve got no strings to hold me back

last week i announced my acceptance to graduate school. still over the moon about getting to see diabetes through a research lens, i have created a website to begin my path toward a career in participatory community research. so begins, the study of us. so, remember the ask from that blog post? i ASKED you […]

how am i the lucky one?

i’ve written about waiting before. like september 17th 2013, i am now waiting. the life-on-hold- kind of waiting. i’ve even taken to scientific versions of self help books. positivity by barbara fredrickson authentic happiness by martin seligman flourish by martin seligman happier by tal ben-shahar stuck in a waiting rut, however, what has calmed me […]

just around the river bend

i’ve been hand-writing blog posts. secrets abounding, and projects evolving. life secrets. dream secrets. all the secrets. one of my best friends, mike lawson, told me about how easy it is to give up on an idea if you allow yourself to get credit for it too early into it’s development. he said, ‘as soon […]

and the love for what you hide

benign. a word you hope to only use in benign situations, also known as the situations that are figurative in nature, or ones that are devoid of the possibility of cancer. it’s nothing. nearly three months ago, i felt a lump in my breast. it began with 30 days of ‘it will probably go away’ […]

and everything he sees is blue

big blue test time is one of my favorite times of the year. an external reason to get my blood pumping and exercise. today, i submitted two big blue tests and it wasn’t as challenging as i thought it would be. it wasn’t as grueling as i imagined. in fact, it felt really…good. today i […]

and, oh, what a change there’d be

so you have heard of medicine x, the conference at stanford university that truly integrates patient voice and perspective, the conference that trends on twitter because the online component is exponential and maybe you have thought about applying maybe you decided not to because you aren’t sure you have something unique to contribute maybe you […]

and so it is the shorter story

he shared a parable. as it goes… there is a flood firefighters rushing door to door to help people to safety knock knock and a man answers, his family behind him. “hurry up” begs the fireman, “no, our god will save us” replies the man. the waters rise, and the man and his family climb […]

pop, pop, pop that thang

this post is not drug related, despite the title. or, well, i guess it is. insulin is a drug isn’t it? correction to that first line there: this post is indeed drug related. LIFE UPDATE i moved to mesa, arizona on sunday night. yes, i did mean to write night. we left berkeley, california around […]

Diabetes Blog Week 2014: Day 4

MANTRAS MANTRAS MANTRAS MANTRAS MANTRAS MANTRAS MANTRAS MANTRAS MANTRAS MANTRAS ……………………………………………………………………to live by. quit slackin’ and make shit happen. ….while you’re doing that, keep in mind that the only thing constant is change. …….when things get wonky, know that better management is not a destination, but rather a way of life ……….while forming happy habits, […]