i’m coming out, i want the world to know, gonna let it show

i started coursework in disability studies in august. what’s happened since? i’ve gotten angry and i’ve gotten sad. outrage has befallen me and a sizable part of the innocence and optimism i’ve been known to walk with has faltered. i’m jaded. i’m jaded, but i’m not sorry about it. . . …(here it goes – deep breath)… […]

and so it is the shorter story

he shared a parable. as it goes… there is a flood firefighters rushing door to door to help people to safety knock knock and a man answers, his family behind him. “hurry up” begs the fireman, “no, our god will save us” replies the man. the waters rise, and the man and his family climb […]

Diabetes Educational Model Crowd-Funding Campaign

favor requested below! i’ve been working with a man with t1 diabetes who creates educational 3d models of proteins. his name is casey steffen and his work is spectacular. he has created a hemoglobin model duo to show the difference between glycated and normal hemoglobin (as you see above). i don’t often use this space […]

Rocking Coachella With Diabetes

today i am heading out to coachella. it is a music festival in indio, CA near los angeles. it is four days of dancing in the hot hot sun. before i get to the diabetes part of this post, i must disclose that the photo above came about because our only housemate who couldn’t attend […]

let me share this whole new world with you

there is much debate in the diabetes online (and offline) community about whether a person with diabetes ought to be considered or consider one self, “disabled”. sharing my position on this is something i’ve been very weary of because my feeling is that it goes against the grain of the majority rule. but alas, here […]

remember what you told me

august 15th. that’s today. … yes. one year ago today was my first day of work at the diabetes hands foundation office. i dressed up in heels and fancy clothes. i began to learn about all of the magic of the dhf and the magicians behind the curtain. what started as a great opportunity, is […]